Dimensions of Indigenous Storytelling
November 21, 2015 - January 16, 2016
Intermedia Arts; 2822 Lyndale Ave South
Celebrate and explore traditional stories from indigenous nations! Two artists, one from North America and one from South America are paired together. Each created a visual representation of one of their traditional stories on interlocking panels, to highlight the close connections between our peoples and our traditions. This show is created to celebrate the prophecy of when eagle meets condor.
Closing Reception Event:
January 16, 2016 2-5pm

Pizza Luce' Downtown
October 2015
I love Pizza Luce!

MacRostie Art Center
The Singular in the Familiar
March 2015
"Dakota Hoska’s paintings capture intimate, singular moments that might otherwise go uncelebrated. Her work also commemorates the beauty of the human experience by utilizing playful and surprising color interactions to underscore the ephemeral and fleeting nature of our existence. “In my practice, I focus on being aware of my surroundings and on recognizing possibility in the mundane. I concentrate on making beautiful art whether through simplicity of line or celebration of color, and I revel in the accidental.”"
- MacRostie Art Center

Come and visit my studio at the ACVR Warehouse during the St. Paul Art Crawl